Why you should learn email marketing

Email is one of the most formal forms of communication. No matter what form of digital medium you’re using to connect to clients, users, colleagues, etc, Email would always be the evergreen medium. In this article, you’ll learn What is Email Marketing, the importance of email marketing, Basic concepts & how to master email marketing from scratch.

why you should learn Email Marketing

Email Marketing is the key pillar of digital marketing, thus not implementing it in your marketing strategy would be a huge mistake. So let’s start with the Basics of email marketing.

What is Email Marketing?

It is all about sending commercial emails to your lists or audience, it can be a commercial, invitation, Informative, as well as newsletters. Though the sending process does not always have to be done by yours, it can be automated with some platforms.

The motive of Email marketing can be driving sales, gaining leads, building up authority, etc, based on the sender’s intention. Before sending any emails to any individual, they are manually added by themselves to maintain the audience list’s authenticity and avoid spam.

Related: How To Increase Conversion Rate

Benefits of Email Marketing

Apart from having an audience based on Social Platforms like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or your own website, it’s better to have a list with specified categories (Customers, Readers) that is portable and can be reached on the go.

One of the major reasons Why You Should Learn Email Marketing is that it can help you fulfilling the following major objectives:

Brand Awareness

Branding is a really important factor if you’re looking forward to building a business in the near future. Emails don’t just Show up in someone’s email inbox but will help your brand stay top of mind. Even if they may not be interacting too often with your Emails, the time they get to see your ads or business, it’ll be far easier for them to recognize.

A Psychological impact will convince them about the authenticity of your business and product as they’ve been aware of it for a long time.

Cost Effective

Sending Emails is really cheap compared to other forms of formal communication in Marketing. It’s possible to send a huge number of recipients for a relatively low cost. In some cases, if the audience list is somewhere around 2,000 no costs are charged from the Email Marketing campaign.

User Base

Currently, there are almost 4 billion active email accounts all over the world. Notice, I’m saying ‘Active’ email accounts, approximately 306 Billion Emails are sent every day. This totally defines how email can differentiate its usability from other platforms.

Learning Curve

Adapting an easier learning curve may motivate you to stick throughout the process of getting evolved with learning the skill. These are the roadmap you’ll need to learn in order to become an efficient Email Marketer.

Email Setup

Firstly, You need to learn how to get your own Professional Business Emails, like ‘no-reply@example.com‘. With some basic concpets of Domains and Hosting, you’ll be good to go.

Lead Generation

Generating leads is one of the crucial parts of Email Marketing as well as Digital marketing. It includes concepts like Generating leads with Landing Pages, Live chat, Automated chatting systems, Giveaways, Opt-ins & Forms.

collecting leads in email marketing

Email Automation

Automation brings more stability to an Email Marketing campaign, where you just need to set up the system once. The rest of the work will be done on its own, sending automated personalized emails, newsletters, New product alerts, Greetings, etc.

email campaign automation

Designing Emails

In this part, you’ll be able to learn how to design your own Email template. Emails are sent for numerous purposes, thus different styling is necessary so is designing.

designing emails in html

Important Factors

Before running a campaign, you need to monitor all your achievable objectives through the campaign. Psycological planning is really necessary while sending Interactable Emails.

email marketing necessary concepts

Where to Learn?

Now while you’ve set your mindset to pursue the Email Marketing skill, you might be thinking what is the roadmap to learning Email Marketing, and from where should I start?

I have created a course with a proper beginner-friendly roadmap to help students understand where to start and showed each step with proper elaboration. It costs less than the price of a Burger. Yes, it’s very cheap so that everyone can afford it at the minimum price.

The course is having 8 chapters and 26 well-curated lessons. Animations have been included in many portions to help you understand complex topics. More than 5,000 students have enrolled in the course and they have rated the Email marketing course 5 stars.


Summing up everything, In this article, I’ve explained ‘why you should learn Email Marketing’ and why Email marketing is one of the keys to opening Pandora’s box in Digital Marketing. No matter what field you’re in, Emails are needed everywhere to connect with other users in a formal way. Thus mastering Email marketing will bring you no loss but greater communication skillsets.

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