Importance of Email Warmup before Cold Outreach

Sending cold emails is important for brand integrity, lead generation, and outbound sales. However, if you send endless emails from a newly created account, clients may consider it suspicious and mark you as spam. Eventually, your email may pile up in their spam folders, cutting down on the outreach. The best way to resolve this issue is by increasing the IP reputation score through email warmup. In this article, we’ll discuss the importance of email warmup before cold outreach.

Email warmup (also called IP warming) includes sending low email volumes from a new account first and pacing up with time. It helps to increase the credibility, recognition, and delivery rate of an email account for better outreach. Here’s more about why email warmup is important:

Benefits of Email Warmup before Cold Outreach

The core benefit of email warmup is it helps ensure better activity and authenticity of a new account. But beyond that, this campaign brings additional, irresistible perks, including:

Good Email Deliverability:

Email deliverability represents the total number of emails received by your contacts. When email deliverability is high, customers get to know about your brand product, services, and campaigns more. All this contributes to successful email marketing

Email warmup is a great way to increase the deliverability of your message. It helps to transfer the email to the Inbox instead of ending up in spam folders. This increases the visibility of your campaigns and ensures better reach throughout the audience.  

Read More: How To Increase Conversion Rate

Increases Sender Reputation:

Email sender reputation (ESP) is a score provided by internet service providers (ISP) to senders. If your ESP score is high, the sender’s reputation will be good. However, if the score is less, your ISP may direct emails to the spam folder, which may damage your reputation. 

Email warmup can enhance your sender’s reputation. As it involves a gradual increase in email volume, your ISP gets enough time to assess your email sending practice. Meanwhile, when they see normal email deliveries, they start considering you trustworthy and increase the sender’s reputation. 

Higher Open Rate:

As email warmup can increase your business visibility, you are likely to notice higher open rates. Email open rate indicates the number of people that open your emails. Thus, when the open rates are higher, it means the audience considers your campaigns relevant. For cold outreaching, an ideal email open rate should be 25% or more. This means you should get at least 50 replies from 200 sent emails.

Keeps You Ahead of Competition

While most email marketers know the benefits of email warmups, they do not implement the same. Thus, you can utilize this opportunity by following the practice and increasing the chance of staying ahead of the competitors. While their emails will end up in spam, yours will deliver to the Inbox for better interaction.

4 Steps to Execute Your Warmup Email Campaign 

Now that you know about the importance of email warmups, let’s learn about the steps on how you can do so:

#1 Pre Warmup!

First, decide on a real domain name for your brand. Instead of conventional “,” select a domain that features your business name. If your business name is “XYZ,” something like would be a good choice. Check out the below image for example.

Do you see the term “latincover” after @? That’s exactly how your domain name should be. Not only does it mention the company name but also mirrors professionalism and authenticity. 

Next, make a list of important information, like the number of emails and how frequently you will be sending them. Also, decide on when you will be increasing the email volume.

#2 Email Account Authentication

Next, it’s important to ensure that your emails land up in the Inbox rather than the spam folders. For that, you need to authenticate your email account. Email authentication ensures that the emails come from the owners. It’s the best way to prevent cyber threats like phishing and spam. Some of the authentication methods in email marketing are:

  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF): It is an email-authentication method that assures the receiver’s ISP about your authorization to send mails from a domain. It prevents you and the receiver from threats like spoofing, phishing, etc. Here is an example of a phishing email:
  • Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM): It helps to add a digital signature along with the domain for better reach.
  • Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance (DMARC): It ensures the ESP’s recipient that the email is free from any deceiving activity. For that, it tracks both SPF and DKIM.  

#3 Ensure Good Content Quality and Maintain Time Gap

Develop good quality content for your email campaigns to ensure instant conversion. Adding spam fillers like “Free” or “Grab” is not going to help. Focus more on actionable content that encourages the users to read through. Keep your language crisp and straightforward for better understanding. 

Also, do not send consecutive emails in one go. It may damage your domain reputation or in worse scenarios, your account may get blocked too. Instead, maintain an adequate time interval between two emails. 

#4 Send Emails and Build Conversation

Start sending emails to your acquaintances, including your family and friends. Also, try to make the emails more engaging to build conversations. Once the conservation increases, your ISP will consider your account genuine for email campaigns and increase the email volumes. Additionally, you can also maintain conversation threads with swift replies using your past email accounts. 

Finally, get an email warmup tool.

Luckily, you can avoid the hassle of performing these steps and work smart using a reliable email warmup tool. One such recommended tool is

With 2500+ users, ensures automatic warmup of your email and domain. All you need to do is simply connect your mailbox, and its artificial intelligence engine (Adeline) will warm up the same. 

Sent emails will be removed from the spam folder and automatically marked as important for better sender reputation. Also, the progress monitoring feature of will keep you in control throughout the process. 

The best of all? The tool works 10x faster than the conventional method. Thus, you can stay assured of quick outcomes. 

Wrapping Up 

So, this was the importance of email warmup before cold outreach. With such benefits, it’s worth including them in your marketing campaigns (if you haven’t already). 

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